
September's Birthstone

Sapphires symbolize wisdom and royalty, making them the birthstone for September.

Sapphires, the birthstone for September, are revered for their striking deep blue hues, which symbolize wisdom, royalty, and divine favor. This gem's rich color is reminiscent of the deepening sky as summer transitions into fall, making it a fitting emblem for September. Sapphires are valued not only for their beauty but also for their hardness, second only to diamonds, representing durability and steadfastness.

Historically, sapphires were believed to protect their wearers from envy and harm, and to attract divine blessings. This protective quality, combined with the gem's serene and majestic appearance, has made sapphires a popular choice for those born in September, as they represent truth, sincerity, and the continuation of good fortune into the cooler months of the year.